the precious pieces she is

Last night was pretty well all sucked up by my taking myself to see the truly excellent documentary film Toni Morrison: The Pieces I am, which I gave a solid A. In fact, I just realized this as I was writing this paragraph: it's only the second solid A I have given so far in 2019, and the other one was also a documentary (Apollo 11). Very different movies, very different subjects, but one pretty notable thing in common between them: a massive place in American history.
I added The Bluest Eye to my library holds this morning. It will be the first Toni Morrison novel I ever read. Curiously, I have a strange reason for remembering that my mom read the book when I was a kid. In the very early nineties, I recorded a bunch of (very bad) songs on cassettes, and in one of them I made a random reference to the fact that my mother was reading a book called The Bluest Eye. I remember just recalling that it was a kind of weird book title, but I never had enough interest even to pick up the book and figure out why it was called that, or what the book was even about. I was pretty self-absorbed growing up. Still am, arguably, but hey! At least I have far greater awareness of the world outside myself now.
Anyway. I rode my bike home from work, and then decided to take the #8 bus back down to Lower Queen Anne to see the movie at the SIFF Cinema Uptown Theatre. Actually I had left work ten minutes earlier than usual for the express purpose of expanding my very short amount of time at home before I would need to leave again in order to bus down and make it to the 6pm showing. I barely had enough time to do my push-ups, make a veggie hot dog for dinner, and feed the cats before heading up to the bus stop.

I took the bus for several reasons. I wanted to be able to read the latest John Waters book I have checked out of the library. I also packed snacks for the movie: a Zevia soda, and a Ziploc bag of Doritos. It was the rather large bag Shobhit's brother, Puneet, had bought at Costco with the intent of bringing it back home to his family, but he couldn't fit it into his luggage and so he left it behind. And! Up to that point, I had actually managed not to eat any sweets all day, so I allowed myself the small bag of Doritos for the movie. Okay, I did take a slice of bread with some cheese left out in the kitchen at work yesterday afternoon. Still better than eating a bunch of sweets. Maybe. I did still weigh in this morning at 0.1 lbs heavier than yesterday. Damn it!
That movie was a solid two hours long, and after trailers and then bussing home (a Rapid Ride D and then quick transfer to a #11 downtown thanks to having just missed the #8, which was fine because the #11 is the only bus that gets me within half a block of my place anyway), it was around 8:45 by the time I got home. That review poured out of me though so I got it written up in less time than most of them take me, which average around an hour, maybe forty-five minutes. It often depends on how much time I have to spend looking related shit up online.
In any case, by the time I was done with the review and had it posted, I was ready to start getting ready for bed. I was zonked out before Shobhit even got home from work.
I normally do like to spread out my movie-going more throughout a given week, and in this case it was the third movie I had gone to see in as many days. I had initially had this movie on my calendar for tonight, but I moved it precisely because Shobhit was working so late last night. He gets off today at 8:15, which means we should have time to watch at least one episode of a TV show (Pose, maybe; we're lagging behind on that one), and had I gone to the movie tonight I would be having to spend that time writing the review. So there you have it. I did it for my husband! I hope he appreciates it. I now have the next three evenings free. I will take myself to another movie this Friday night, however.

[posted 12:23 pm]