mapping whodunnit

Oooh!—the Seattle Times article I linked to in yesterday's post has since been updated, and it now includes a nifty downtown /Central District map showing the three planned PCC locations for the area!
. . . Okay, not only that, but I also updated that map so it shows where I live too! This is the best visual aid possible, probably, to show how conveniently located all these new stores are going to be. Two side notes: keep going west and just a bit out of frame along Denny Way and you get to about where the PCC Central Office is located; also, go only two blocks northwest from the Downtown location and that's the very same street I live on, just roughly one mile to the east.
On the sadder side of today's updates, I found this CNN International article via Twitter, with a satellite image illustrating that a third of Australia's Kangaroo Island—a "wildlife haven"—has now succumbed to the devastating bushfires. There's also a photo of Southern Ocean Lodge, which apparently has burned down as well; that was not where Uncle David had us booked though.
I just looked up Flinders Chase National Park weather, and it shows rain for Friday this week (which it would already be over there), and presumably that will give them a slight respite. But, it's only for that day, and then more heat and dry conditions through the rest of the extended forecast thereafter. It's truly stunning what is happening down there.

Yesterday was the second of Shobhit's two days off from both his jobs, and he really took advantage of it, making it a point not to do "anything meaningful" all day. He did meet me at Pacific Place at 5:00, to see Knives Out with me—I wanted to see it a second time; I knew he would enjoy it. And boy, was I right, especially in the second half of the movie. He was really into it, and laughed a lot.
That movie got a huge amount of buzz around the time of its Thanksgiving Week opening, and it was predicted to have moderate success. Its box office pull has rather exceeded expectations, though ($130 million domestic; $247 million globally), and it's really quite rare that a movie like this, which was never even intended to be a "blockbuster," is still in theaters and making steady money more than two months after opening. It was still the #7 movie in the U.S. last weekend, and among the top 10, it has the fourth-highest total gross. It's done so well that director Rian Johnson (who was also responsible for The Last Jedi, the best of the Star Wars sequel trilogy movies) is already planning another movie centered around Daniel Craig's detective Benoit Blanc character, investigating a new case. We can only hope that all the other new characters in that movie will be as star studded as this one was.
We took the bus home after the movie, made Tasty Bite Indian Meal packets for dinner, and watched three episodes of season 10 of Cheers.

[posted 12:24 pm]