My tweets

  • Wed, 9:40: Seattle times updated their article about the CD PCC with this awesome map of the three upcoming Seattle locations so I updated it to show how close they’ll all be to me!
  • Wed, 12:08: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Maybe we can get Trump to forget about Iran if we rename it Barron or Tiffany.
  • Wed, 12:22: Today I learned there is a movie coming out in March called FIRST COW, and while everyone else on Twitter is going for the obvious "moo" and "milk" puns, I'm over here just wondering if it's about a cow that marries the president.
  • Wed, 22:48: Shobhit, who has no historical context for Charles Manson or the Sharon Tate murder whatsoever, just finished "Once Upon a Time ... In Hollywood" and said: "That was a weird ass movie."