steady towers

Shobhit and I drove to Northgate last night, to Display & Costume. I found what I was looking for, although the size was a lot smaller than I wanted—the object is still big enough, and it came in a packet that cost literally a fraction of what I would have had to pay for the backup I had marked on Amazon. And, this way I was able to purchase in a local store instead of on Amazon.
This may be the last year for that, though. I learned last night Display & Costume in Northgate will only be open until June of next year, at which time I guess the building is set to be demolished for a condo complex to be built. Honestly the amount of construction development still going forward in this city astonishes me, there are so many streets now with closed-up businesses, and far more areas than usual are becoming trash heaps. The depressed look of so many areas is disheartening, while the many continued construction sites is confusing. I only noticed just the other day a huge development on First Hill that will dramatically reshape the view of the south end of the Seattle skyline from our condo: 707 Terry between Columbia and Cherry, two slightly slanted 34-story towers with a connecting skywalk near their tops, apparently set to be 330 ft in height. Apparently there's another two-tower project of the same height in the same neighborhood set for completion in 2021, by the end of which First Hill will have plenty of its own residential high-rises—which won't need to be super-tall to have spectacular, expansive views, given their location on First Hill. Anyway! The 707 Terry project still stands out by far the most thanks to their distinctive design, and though they have not yet been topped out, I can now see the towers slowly growing to the southwest in the view from my condo.
I can't find any official statements about Display & Costume closing, but Shobhit had heard about it while working at nearby Big 5 Sporting Goods, and when he asked the cashier yesterday, the confirmed they were closing in June. I should have asked if they will just be closing for good or if they will move to a new location. If there is any chance of the latter, I'm sure it will depend largely on the state of the economy.

Shobhit must have been tired from work; he wanted to have a drink and asked me to drive. We considered getting some takeout from Saffron Grill since we were in Northgate but then traffic made Shobhit change his mind and suggest I drive all the way home via Roosevelt Way instead of taking the freeway. So, that's what I did. We had leftovers for dinner, and we watched this week's episode of Fargo, which I quite liked. An early scene in the episode involving the entrapment of a truck with a circle of fire was very cool.
It was funny to listen to Karen and Georgia on this week's My Favorite Murder podcast this morning. Georgia is not finding the mob stuff very interesting but loves the nurse played by Jessie Buckley (a truly great and versatile actor). She cracked me up when she said about the warring crime families, "Why can't they just get along and do crime together?"
After that, I actually watched most of Rachel Maddow with Shobhit, as she spent most of the episode interviewing Kamala Harris. And then I made some satisfying progress on the calendars whose Costco templates were being so frustrating to me yesterday. It turned out it wasn't that hard just to go back in my photo stream to the original photo files and just crop them with the dimensions that worked better for the template. Problem solved. I'm much happier with it now.

[posted 12:31 pm]