Side note to those in my home state of Washington who remain (foolishly, willfully ignorantly) skeptical: you may think you have an argument that mask wearing "doesn't work" because the transmission rates did not immediately plummet, or they have gone up and down over the months, or they are now on an upward trend—that last one having been predicted all along for the fall, what with the weather turning and more people having their own indoor gatherings, the worst thing we can do right now—but guess what? The recommendation for mask wearing in public has been 95% compliance from day one (, which Washington State on the whole has never met—even now, with Washington rather on the higher end of compliance, we are still clearly well below 90%. You cannot argue that doing something "doesn't work" when you never actually did that thing to begin with.
We are getting close to the goal, though, and that is a good thing that still makes me proud to be a Washingtonian. I just want to catch up to the 10 states (plus D.C., the only place actually above 95%) that are ahead of us.