still having fun

Well, since I already wrote about Friday night's Zoom pumpkin carving party, as well as Saturday afternoon Happy Hour with Laney at Volunteer Park, in post on Saturday evening, there's virtually nothing left to tell you about my weekend today. As in: I didn't go anywhere, or even socialize with anyone, yesterday. I thought about returning to the office because I had forgotten to print out two documents I had sent to the printer when I was there on Saturday, but I decided even that could wait until I'm back at the office tomorrow. Yesterday I took a shower and did my makeup for no other reason than to leave the condo once to take out the recycling. Well okay and also because I still have mirrors.
Okay I suppose I could tell you I ate way too much. I had already binged on way too many of the bite sized Halloween candies at the front desk when I was at the office late Saturday morning. Yesterday I had two cocktails with two shots of rum each in them; I also had a thin slice of Costco pumpkin pie; and because they had been on sale at Big 5 for 75 cents each before his employee discount and Shobhit came home with six of them, after dinner I also had a king size Payday bar. I really should not have done that. My weight this morning shot up pretty dramatically from yesterday's 159.5 lbs, to 161.7 lbs.
I need to get my fucking shit together. Instead, we have chocolate bars and now Payday bars and pumpkin pie and hot chocolate mix at home and I also have access to bottomless pits of candy when I go into the office. That's not even to mention when we make chai or, say, the scratch made parathas we had with the otherwise healthy fried eggplant dinner we had last night.
I keep telling myself I'm going to get my food consumption under control, and then I pig out. It's a vicious cycle. I'd try out bulimia but you know, I really hate vomiting.

I suppose I should still stress that I had a very nice weekend. Yesterday was pretty low key, but I enjoyed the movie I watched for review: On the Rocks, which I signed up for a trial week of Apple TV+ just so I could watch and review. I already unsubscribed, to ensure I don't forget and wind up getting charged for another month after a week. I may watch and review that new Tom Hanks movie, Greyhound, just because I can. Even though it's already got kind of mixed reviews, but, whatever.
And I pretty much had a blast doing the Zoom pumpkin carving party on Friday—which would have been far better in person, but we take what we can get—and I had such a nice time hanging out with Laney at the park on Saturday, I really wished we could have hung out longer. In fact, if we can manage a sunny day in November that's at least as warm (a gigantic if), I'm going to suggest meeting at noon or 1 p.m. at the latest just so we can take advantage of the sun longer. Of course, just being a month further down the road and being after Daylight Saving Time ends, that will be that much more of a challenge.
I do love the photo I got of us at the park, sitting ten feet apart in our lawn chairs. I told her even then: what I love about photos like that is how they show us making the best of a bad situation. We're still finding ways to have a good time.

[posted 12:35 pm]