My tweets

  • Wed, 5:32: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Do you think Ariel ate the scallops whose shells she wears as a bra or that they’re still in there and that’s how they’re suctioned to her boobs?

    Boss: I meant any questions about the presentation.
  • Wed, 5:42: The only way a Trump Presidential Library will work is if it's just filled with coloring books.
  • Wed, 16:36: Eighteen years at PCC, second year “volunteering” (those are absolutely air quotes) for two 4-hour shifts Thanksgiving week at a store! What I learned this year: it’s possible for someone *else* (not me) to do a beautiful job of product facing bags of chips, in a way that seems to me to defy gravity. But if you need to know where to find condensed milk or applesauce, I am now an expert! Side note: I just happened to take this photo in my new work-provided filtered mask outside; I was not working in floral, the plants would have all died if I just looked at them. Anyway, this year I’m thankful for a job that allows me to sit on my ass all day!
  • Wed, 19:37: I love this monologue so much. ❤️❤️
  • Wed, 20:30: I never even thought to ask for a Christmas romantic comedy about a same-sex couple but somehow I got one! And: it's both funny and moving.