putting things to bed and looking ahead

Everything is done! Hooray!
I still have two things left to do with them; tomorrow I will send out the "2020 at PCC" email, which I traditionally do on New Year's Eve itself, even though I post the blog version of it on the day before, so if you have any interest in that it's actually posted this morning right here. (I was able to format those four photos at the top in a much better, four-quadrant grid in the email that I could not duplicate here, but, whatever.) I do that because, ever since 2015, I share all my year-end posts one day at a time over the course of the final five days of the year, because when I was previously posting them all on New Year's Eve morning it was overwhelming my feeds with content and thus lessening potential viewership on any of them individually. (Not that doing it this way gets many more eyeballs on this stuff, but I still think it's better to spread them out.) And, since New Year's Eve is now exclusively reserved for the "Year in Ten Minutes" video, the "Year at PCC" blog version gets posted on the 30th.
And speaking of the video, 2020 in Ten Minutes is done now too! It's even already uploaded to my Flickr account, confirming that I exported a version that was both short enough (9:59 in length) and small enough (1.2 GB) to meet Flickr's video upload limits. This is now the eighth of these year-end videos I have made, having started with my first one reviewing 2013. I need to work on re-exporting most of the previous ones out of iTunes so they can actually upload to Flickr as well; most meet the length requirement but all but three of them are too far larger than 1.1 GB and so Flickr rejects attempts to upload them as they currently are. Anyway, I could easily share 2020 in Ten Minutes right now, but that wouldn't be right! It has to get shared New Year's Eve morning, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I'm glad I skipped watching a movie as originally tentatively planned, and finished with this stuff instead. I can now wash my hands of all 2020 retrospectives! Well, aside from sharing them on my blog and on social media; that won't end until tomorrow. Anyway I then still had just enough time to watch another episode, finally, of The Flight Attendant on HBO, a miniseries I very much enjoy but which got set aside for a bit by the holidays and all my work on year-end posts and projects. I watched while getting ready for bed, and then took the iPad with me into bed, where I finished watching before going to sleep.
So, what else? Not much. I've got nothing! I may watch a movie tonight, or watch one last holiday special, or maybe both. I'm kind of looking forward to an evening to myself with no obligations (self-inflicted or not) to finish one project or another. Two more days, a the new year will be upon us, and months of nothing special planned. I kind of think I should go out of my way to schedule something or another within that time frame, even if it has to be virtual. As I've said already, we're facing a dark winter as this pandemic is bound to get only worse before it gets better. January 20 should be a delightful day though, when President Fuckwit is finally taken out of the White House. I'm really not on board, at least right now, with complaints about Joe Biden and how "horrible" he'll supposedly be in his own right. He will absolutely be a vast improvement over what we have now, and I think maybe even a perfectly fine president. We'll need to hold him to task on a lot of things, to be sure, but outright expecting a complete failure to move us forward is preposterous. He's already naming cabinet members who are—gasp!—actually legitimately qualified in the relevant fields, and surely he'll do far more in probably a matter of months to turn the pandemic around than President Fuckwit managed in an entire year. The man is competent, and there's something to be said for that, right?

[posted 12:28 pm]