virtuals for lunch

Not a whole lot to report today. Shobhit made baked potatoes for dinner yesterday and they were tasty. Also a bit too much in terms of portion size; I only had half of one as leftovers for lunch today. We drank wine and ate while watching The Nice Guys on HBO because I felt like watching a movie. We watched a couple episodes of Designing Women after that, and then I retired to the bedroom to clean up all my Rufus Wainwright playlists. Whew, glad those are done! There were four different ones: the overall one; the one for ballads; and two that split his career in half, the first representing 1998-2007 and the other 2007-2020. They're all updated and synced to my phone. Next will be Fiona Apple, which maybe I will do tonight.
In other news, Washington State COVID-19 transmission rates are now worse than ever and it's freaking me out a little. Apparently they've got 95% compliance in mask wearing in Yakima County and it's demonstrating a turnaround, so hopefully the rest of the people in this state—and this dipshit country—get their shit together too.

I just finished FaceTime lunch with Karen. That was when I ate half the leftover baked potato. I reheated it in the oven and it was very tasty. Maybe I'll have the other half for lunch tomorrow. How exciting!
She was sitting in what used to be Anita's bedroom, which she is in the process of turning into an office. Anita moved out and moved in with a roommate. Karen talked about going to visit them at their apartment, and I was immediately like: does Anita's roommate see many people? No, Karen said . . . but, she did mention how Anita's roommate visits her parents. I can't help but wonder: how wide does this circle of connection go? Any one of those people gets exposed to COVID, and it could be spread to all of them. I worry about that.
We talked a little about the unprecedented infection rates right now in Washington State, which makes my visit to Idaho in a week and a half kind of ironic: we postponed it several times for this very reason, now we're going at the height (so far) of its spread. On the other hand, we also have a hell of a lot better understanding now of how to be safe. The real reason the virus is spreading is because of the number of dipshits ignoring those guidelines. So long as we wear masks during very limited amounts of time indoors with other people, and otherwise keep our distance while visiting outside, we should be fine. Also I want to get my copy of Mom's death certificate. Which I suppose Christopher could just mail to me, but I still feel like we should get this trip done, which I don't want to just skip under the circumstances and also don’t want to keep postponing.
Honestly I'm beginning to wonder more and more how the hell Christmas is going to work this year. Shobhit will be happy to just spend it at home but that's just because Christmas means really nothing to him. It's much different for me though. I mean, shit. President Fuckwit will still be president at Christmas, no matter what; the hope is that he will have lost the election, and either way I fully expect this country to be an even bigger shit show at the time. We've already got federal troops tear gassing Portland even while their mayor is in the crowd. This shit has great potential only to get worse. What a fucking mess.
Anyway! I'm going to get back to my podcasts and get back to work now.
— चार हजार सात सौ बयासी —

[posted 1:10 pm]