My tweets

  • Fri, 7:47: Just received a request to correct a shelf tag typo reading "Hazelnut Butter Crips." I figured I better fix it; we don't want to start any shit with the Hazelnut Butter Bloods.
  • Fri, 10:31:

    6 feet may not be enough to protect against coronavirus, experts warn

    As is far too often the case, the headline here is slightly misleading, but also: anyone who has bothered to do even the slightest amount of extra reading on this has already known about these nuances SINCE MARCH.

    Most notably: "researchers say six feet is a start — but only a start — warning that more space is almost always better, especially in poorly ventilated areas indoors." As in, the room can be huge, but especially without a mask on, being indoors with others outside your household, the risk is far higher.

    It's about minimizing and mitigating risk. No scenario is absolutely zero risk—something mask-deniers love to conflate with a supposed reason not to wear them at all. Masks, *especially* indoors, slow the spread, and are arguably the most effective tool we currently have. Conversely, even without a mask, but at least distanced from others, being outside the risk is far lower.
  • Fri, 22:58: Someone needs to start a business running computer tutorials for dairy farmers and florists.
  • Fri, 15:51: This headline made me LOL.
  • Fri, 22:42: