My tweets August 30, 2020 by Matthew McQuilkin Sat, 16:55: View this post on Instagram I hadn't realized CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR was actually Black Panther's (and thus Chadwick Boseman's) introduction into the MCU, with a pretty hefty subplot at that. This was one of the many movies I had not bothered to watch back when originally released, just because I was so sick of superhero movies with essentially the same plot. Well, I watched it today for the first time, and liked it notably better than I expected. It still has a lot of hallmark superhero dumbness, but it also had a lot of great humor, and most notably, a scaled-down A plot that finally eschewed villains threatening an entire city (or entire planet, or entire universe, and on and on). It actually directly addresses the collateral damage that virtually all other superhero movies don't even bother acknowledging, which I quite liked. It's still nowhere near as good as BLACK PANTHER itself, which could easily be argued to be the best of all MCU films, and which I will likely also re-watch soon. But, when I found out he was in this earlier film, I wanted to finally watch it just as my own, very small, way of honoring Chadwick Boseman's great work, whose impact truly cannot be overstated. A post shared by Matthew McQuilkin (@fruitcakeenterprises) on Aug 29, 2020 at 5:48pm PDT