change a-comin'

Holy fuck, what a pain in the pass the past half an hour or so has been.
I actually drove to the office this morning to swap out receiver paperwork. This week has been a little different from usual, as I typically go to the office on Tuesdays and then over the weekend. But, this week I actually worked at the office all day Monday, so I just took home the first stack of the week at the end of that day. I processed that stack this morning, drove to the office, and got the next stack, which I also intend to process today and then return probably tomorrow. Accounting is doing some kind of major switchover with the systems they use and they're asking to get as many reconciled receivers as possible by the end of the fiscal month, which means by the end of the day Sunday. A bunch of people in Accounting will be working over the weekend.
While I was there, I was able to get my cup of flavoring syrup for tea that I usually grab on Tuesdays, and did not do when I was there on Monday (and probably should have). There was also a big tasting of Deli samples happening in the Merchandising Pantry. There must have been seven or eight people there around that table, none of them six feet apart, several with masks down or off to eat samples. It freaked me out a little, to be honest. But then Tracy, the Senior Deli Merchandiser, told me I could take from any of the prepacked scones they had on the counter along the south wall. Well, I was all about that! I grabbed three of them, two sweet and one savory.
Anyway, when I got back home, after also stopping at Bartell Drugs along the way back, at Shobhit's request, to pick up a prescription he had ready, I came back to my computer to find one of my dual external monitors, the right one, not working. It still isn't even as I write this, at least not properly: all cables are connected securely and I have restarted the fucking computer three times. I finally got the right monitor to work when I closed the laptop screen. What the fuck? The computer is detecting all screens but not allowing more than two at a time to work. And I need to open the laptop again to expose the camera for the Friday Office Meetup on Zoom.
I might have gotten at least a little bit of work done this morning after returning, but, so much for that! The rest of my morning got sucked up by this bullshit.
So, about last night? I baked Costco eggplant parmesan for dinner, and once Shobhit got home from work shortly after 6:00 we watched two episodes of Raised by Wolves on HBO Max and then a couple of episodes of season two of The Mary Tyler Moore Show on Hulu. I also read my library book a bit, and Shobhit spent a little bit of time reading his.

Aaaand, I just finished with our eighth Friday Office Lunch Meetup on Zoom, in as many weeks. At first it felt like attendance might be really low this week, as for a couple of minutes it was just Rebecca and me. But, then Brenna joined, and then Brent, and a few minutes later even Jordan, joining for only the second time. So, we had a total of five, although for much of the time it was back down to four, because Brenna dropped off at about 12:30. And then for at least five minutes or more at the very end, it was Rebecca and me only, yet again.
I guess "eight is enough" for this, though: there's officially a planning meeting on Monday about how to adjust these social hangouts going forward. I've been officially invited: "Matthew you always have good ideas!" Brenna said. I'll be the only one not from the Social & Environmental Responsibility team on the call. The others will be Brent and Brenna, in fact.
Apparently Brenna and Brent are advocating turning it into something more structured, like the "Lunch and Learn" quasi-classes. Those aren’t social enough in my opinion, though, and apparently Rebecca feels the same way. I got the sense she's glad I'm joining the meeting so she'll have another voice kind of more on her side with this. She's already talking about just doing a side "hangout" with personal connections during lunches, not officially set up through PCC so there doesn't have to be managerial approval. I didn't even realize these weekly Meetups had to go through such approval, but come to think of it, it kind of makes sense.
Anyway. The meeting is over now, so I could close the laptop screen, which means I finally have the two dual external monitors working again. I need to heat up my tea and get back to work. I literally haven't been able to get to any actual work since 10:15 a.m. I need to get on it!

[posted 1:03 pm]