a fine day gets better

Since I posted on Saturday all about my New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, there's not a lot for me to update on since, except perhaps that I finally watched my first movie for review soon after finishing with that: I'm Your Woman, available on Amazon Prime, which I quite liked a lot. I watched that between about 2:30 and 4:30 that afternoon, and spent about an hour after that writing the review, so the majority of that day was either writing in both of my blogs (personal and movie reviews) or watching that movie.
That said, as we have done every evening all weekend, I did later watch some episodes of seasons six of The Mary Tyler Moore Show after Shobhit got home from work that evening. Last night we got to the episode with Betty Ford as a guest while she was First Lady, something I bet anything was unprecedented at the time. It's interesting to me that that show's ratings dipped in its last two seasons, and I think the series just got better as it went along, even as late as this.
I just got an invite to an advanced virtual screening of a movie this coming Wednesday, so I'll be reviewing another film soon. In the meantime, yesterday I decided to re-watch Soul on Disney+. I'm not quite as convinced as I was the first go-round that it's on the same level as Inside Out or Coco, but I still think it comes close; I stand by my review of that one too.

With brief breaks here and there, it's been raining all weekend—and still is as I write this. I might have walked downtown to run a couple of errands otherwise, but in the end the only thing I actually got dressed for yesterday was to take the recycling out. I had several things I needed to buy, and was going to get them at Target downtown, and decided instead I would just get them from Amazon. (Many of us love to talk shit about how horrible Amazon is—and in many regards they really are—but, they also make it possible to get things you can't get anywhere else, or more importantly right now, without having to go to a physical store.)
Not even Amazon has the mascara I want, though. I think I'm finally going to move back off the ZuZu Luxe mascaras from PCC and get the waterproof mascara by Almay from Bartell Drugs. This never used to happen with ZuZu Luxe, I don't know what the hell changed, but I'm really tired of being outside in damp weather resulting in beads of moisture on my eyelashes that then smear the shit all over my face when I so much as blink (or, god forbid, sneeze). Anyway, I'll be needed to go back to the office tonight to swap out paperwork and I think I will go to Bartell's to get new mascara. The bottles I have are nearly empty and that's making them even more frustrating than the common smearing problem.
Shobhit came home from work early today just before my lunch break. He said he "wasn't feeling well" but soon after admitted that, since he has the next two days off in a row (a rare thing for him), he wanted "a two-and-a-half-day weekend." I don't begrudging him that, honestly. On average he has to work too much, for far too little pay, and today in particular business is dead at the store anyway. They'll be fine without him, and he gets sick pay. Now maybe I'll get the quesadillas we were already planning for dinner a little bit earlier! Also this will make it easier for me to go to the office sooner than later, as I'll have far earlier access to the car. Even my day just got better!

[posted 12:36 pm]