Dumb Trek: Insurrection

Holy shit. And we thought Tuesday was going to be the most significant day this week! That was the day of the Georgia runoff elections that resulted in the Democrats finally taking control of the Senate. Good times, great news! Onward, the world is getting better!
And then yesterday came. The first time in perhaps this country's entire history that merely counting the Electoral College votes somehow became controversial. Six Republican senators, and over a hundred Republican Representatives, voted to sustain objections to electoral college votes in certain states. All this in spite of failed challenges to election results in countless courts in many states. It's unreal. And this still happened even after the most astonishing part of the day: the President of the United States actively encouraged his idiot mouth-breather followers, who were in D.C. protesting by the thousands, to storm the Capitol building. They easily pushed right through Capitol Police barricades, and Congress, after first sheltering in place in their offices, had to be evacuated.
The only time in history this kind of security breach has been managed in D.C. was the War of 1812. It's jaw dropping, and infuriating how they had truly militarized law enforcement to push back on—and brutalize—Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer, and somehow they were unprepared for this. White privilege, and white supremacy, at its most blatantly obvious. There were pictures yesterday of idiots in the most moronic costumes imaginable, waving arms and fists in the otherwise emptied Senate and House chambers. It was truly like something straight out of the movie Idiocracy—a comparison that has been made with this administration so long that it's gotten tired, but in this case it's never been more directly relevant or apropos.
I have little faith that this will happen to nearly the degree that it truly should, but I'm dying to see not just President Fuckwit, but every member of Congress who actively incited this shit held accountable. They should lose their next elections at the very least—frankly even those who voted to object to electoral college counts, even if they did not otherwise directly incite the chaos, should lose their next elections. Unfortunately there are far too many such Congresspeople, but Democrats should still publicly shame them for this patently undemocratic action for the rest of their lives.
At least Twitter and Facebook have locked President Fuckwit out of his social media accounts—even those officially just for the Office of the President—basically until further notice. This was the right thing to do, although they should have fucking done this ages ago.
Beyond all that, I eagerly await the many consequences of the identities of the people who stormed the Capitol being exposed. As a general rule I am opposed to public shaming, but this is a line beyond too far, and I don't trust law enforcement to crack down even a fraction as much as they did on BLM protesters. And if there are no consequences to this shit, all the people learn from it is that they can get away with it.
Holy shit I cannot wait until this president is out of office, and Biden has a cabinet of people who are both sensible and competent. I'm not saying I expect to agree with everything they do, but I can pretty easily have faith that they won't be actively undermining democracy itself. Jesus Christ.

And of course, "I told you so" doesn't tend to work at changing people's minds, but it's hard to resist. Nothing about any of this shit would be a surprise to any of us in 2016 when we were horrified to see this man elected president. I can still remember Obama's calm reserve as he told everyone "the sun is still shining" and priding himself on the peaceful transition of power. In 2021, all of that's just thrown out the window—just as we knew it would be, all the way back when we were being told, by people on the right and Hillary Clinton haters on the far left alike—that we were just being alarmist. Fuck all of you people.
I had hoped to watch some regular TV last night, after it was wall to wall Georgia election coverage on Tuesday, but so much for that! I never watch debates in Congress on TV but I did yesterday after the Senate and the House reconvened, as this was a truly singular, historic day. And not of the best variety, but on the upside, it still ended with Joe Biden confirmed to be the next President of the United States. Thank god.
Shobhit noted this morning that this shit pretty much takes any chance of President Fuckwit running for president again in 2024, as he has repeatedly threatened, out of the picture. Another silver lining.
In other news, I had to take a break from working this morning to clean up a couple turds that fell out of Guru's ass onto the carpet a few feet away from the litter box. Hopefully I can get him back to a vet sooner than later; this is clearly more of what also causes him to vomit so much: inability to digest hairballs. I had just finished cleaning the carpet with Resolve carpet cleaner in those spots when I saw, around the corner by my personal desk, a feet-long strip of brown where Guru had clearly wiped his ass along the carpet, with another bit of turd he needed to get off of clinging to his ass. So then I had an even bigger clean-up job to do. Fun!
Oh. I nearly forgot: I also had a digital advanced screening of a movie last night, which I did watch. I had been notified that I would be emailed the link an hour before the scheduled 7 p.m. screening, and when it still wasn't there at 6:55 I assumed I made some mistake in registration and wasn't getting it after all. And then suddenly it did come, so I got to watch it after all. It's a documentary about the 2018 assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashaggi in Istanbul, called The Dissident. And it is excellent, you should watch it. I posted the link to Twitter and Facebook last night as usual, but I'm sure it got drowned out in the noise of yesterday's news, even more than my sharing links to movie reviews gets typically drowned out to begin with. It's absolutely worth watching, though, and very relevant to what's doing on today, because President Fuckwit himself went out of his way to allow Saudi Arabia to get away with this shit. Biden better do some real cracking down on these people—including Putin, as Shobhit also pointed out yesterday—if we truly want to keep our democracy intact going forward.

[posted 12:31 pm]