
I got a nice bike ride in yesterday, riding to the office and back right after work to swap out paperwork. The weather was kind of perfect for it, 52° and sunny.
Right now the forecast for Thursday appears to be conducive to another bike ride, except I need to go to the office with a car to pick up a new work computer. I'm having some persistent issues with the laptop I currently have, causing my Office programs to freeze to the point of having to restart the computer, and yesterday I finally contacted IT about it. Chris L in IT saw that I am using a model of laptop they apparently "retired" last year so they just want to swap out a new computer for me.
I also have a new keyboard waiting for me. The one I have works fine, but because of my long fingernails this happens every few years: all the letters are scraped away. Okay, I can still see Q and Z, but that's it! All the others are either 100% or 90% scraped away by my endless typing. Using it without visible letters is kind of a point of pride since I generally touch-type, but it's still convenient to have the letters visible.

Once I got back from the office, Shobhit was just starting a Board meeting for the Braeburn Condos, which he was on for maybe an hour and a half. I spent that time writing up the requisite "travelogue" email covering the holiday weekend, with nine photos for each day representing Saturday and Sunday: the Tulip Festival and then Easter. It was my first such email I was able to write up since New Year's—this always being the longest stretch between them each year, between Christmas and Easter. (I had a huge amount in the middle of that stretch last year, for the trip to Australia.) I'll be doing another one in just another month, though: after my Birth Week. I'll probably have to stretch that out over two emails again, what with it covering a minimum of ten state parks over ten days.
And then, there's plenty to look forward to through the rest of the year, even with no major trips planned: Portland and Wallace, Idaho over separate weekends in June, not to mention Pride (albeit that one having to be virtual again); Independence Day in July; Second Annual Family Vacation in either August or September; Halloween in October; Thanksgiving in November along with hopefully a trip to Palm Springs; Christmas in December. And oh my god, please, hopefully vaccinations will have turned around the trends of virus transmissions enough by then for us to get to some semblance of normalcy.
Anyway! This means I'll have at least one of these photo digest emails to send out every month through the end of the year, if all goes as planned anyway—the next break of longer than that being, again, between New Year's and Easter in 2022.
When Shobhit finished his meeting, we watched Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Shobhit slept through maybe a third of it. He then switched it right back to his news programs instead of watching anything else we typically watch together, so then I retired to the bedroom to watch last Friday's episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. And you know what? That show is dumb. I only keep watching it because I love the Still Watching podcast with Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson, and that's the show they are discussing right now.

[posted 12:32 pm]