finding blah

I watched and reviewed a young-adult romance movie last night, called Finding You, which was, predictably, kind of bad. I never would have watched this for any other reason except I got a SIFF invite to an advanced virtual screening, and since it's actually opening in theaters tomorrow (technically, tonight at 7 p.m.), I figured, what the hell. It'll give me something to do and to review.
The "virtual screening" experience this time was a bit different than I ever experienced before. It was scheduled for 7 p.m., and in the past these virtual screenings meant I was sent a link where I could press play on my own time, even pause or rewind. None of those things were options this time: it was just a movie that played live starting at 7:00, and I was beholden to its playing nonstop, just like if I were in a movie theater. At least here I could still hear the dialogue when I went to the bathroom.
Since it didn't start until 7:00, it was just finishing when Shobhit got home from work around 9:00. This also left me time to make chai and heat up some leftovers for dinner after work, and then watch an episode of season 2 of Star Trek Discovery. I technically could have watched another, but I decided just to take it easy between 6:00 and 7:00, listening to music and browsing social media.

What else can I tell you? That pretty much covers any pertinent updates, I think. Oh, I suppose I could mention how I was getting a little baffled by memes getting shared of photos of people in East-coast states hoarding gas from gas stations . . . what the hell? I had to Google to figure out it had to do with a ransomware attack on a pipeline, temporarily shutting it down in the region. I guess people were told there would not be shortages, so everything will be fine so long as there is no panic buying . . . and then, just like with the toilet paper at the start of the pandemic last year, panic buying happened—causing shortages. I saw multiple photos of people at gas stations filling up gas containers, or in one case straight up open buckets (!), with a gas pump.
I'm just grateful this doesn't seem to be affecting gas prices much over here on the west coast. And of course, grateful that I don't even own my own car to begin with, and I never have.

[posted 12:29 pm]