don't rain on my vacay

As soon as I finished work yesterday, I rode my bike to the office and back to swap out paperwork. The weather was mostly sunny, pleasantly warm, perfect.
If all goes as planned, I'll be doing this, round-trip bike trips from home to the office and back in the space of about 75 minutes, at most five more times. Next week and the week after, then the start of the week after that. And then, again so long as the plan remains the same, I'll haul my computer equipment back to the office after work on Wednesday, June 30. Fifteen and a half months after first bringing my work laptop home.
Shobhit had his virtual Project Management class which he was already doing when I got back, so after dishing myself up some dinner, I retired to the bedroom to watch the TV to see: the last two episodes of Hacks on HBO Max, a show that I expected to enjoy yet significantly exceeded my expectations, and the third episode of Sweet Tooth on Netflix.
After that, I spent some time captioning photos from my Birth Week. I wanted to get that done before all the photos I'll be taking at Portland this weekend, as otherwise I'd probably just never get back to captioning the Birth Week photos (like the majority of my Christmastime photo sets from last December). I've gotten close: as of now the only Birth Week photo albums with uncaptioned photos are the two from the day I spent with Tracy from work, at Green River Gorge and Flaming Geyser State Park.

So, tonight I have an exciting weekend to look forward to. Starting with tonight! Shobhit and I are going to see In the Heights in the theater, which I am really looking forward to. We're also going to need to do some packing, as we'll leave for Portland tomorrow morning.
A bit of a bummer, though: the Portland weather forecast for the weekend does not look fully ideal. Highs in the seventies would be, but we're seeing fairly high chances of rain. Wait, or maybe not! There was like a 40% chance of rain in the forecast for tomorrow this morning, and I just checked it and it's already updated: cloudy and 79°, but now no rain. Maybe we'll get lucky and the weekend will be dry after all, even if it is cloudy.
I mean, we really need rain. I just want it to stop when I go on a weekend getaway!

[posted 12:30 pm]