eleven eight


— पांच हजार तीन सौ तीन —

Boy, am I screwed up. I woke up today thinking it was Election Day. It's not even Tuesday! That was yesterday. And then, I see online, it’s actually next week and not this week—Shobhit and I filled out our ballots together on Sunday and I was thinking we were getting them in just under the wire. It's actually Tuesday next week, on November 8.

Then, upon realizing this this morning, my next thought was: why wasn't it yesterday? Shouldn't it have been? I kept thinking Election Day was the first Tuesday of November, but nope: although the end result is it usually being the first Tuesday, it's determined as the "first Tuesday following the first Monday of November." Yesterday, being Tuesday, was November 1, which means the first Monday is not until November 7, which makes Election Day this year November 8.

That was also the infamous election date in 2016, by the way, when President Fuckwit was elected. I knew it felt darkly familiar. (2022 and 2016 did not have the same calendar, by the way, because 2016 was a leap year and 2022 is not. Although this would mean 2016 and 2022 calendars matched from March through December.)

Polling suggests whackadoodle Republicans will retake the House next week, so I am kind of dreading that. Thank god we are unlikely to lose the Senate, and we still have Biden in the presidency, so their power to do real damage will be pretty much nill for the next two years. The bigger question is going to be what kind of shit show we have in store for us in 2024. It's hard to look toward the future and feel very positive about it these days—politically, or meteorologically.

What else can we do but savor the good times while we still have them?

— पांच हजार तीन सौ तीन —


— पांच हजार तीन सौ तीन —

I spent most of my evening last night writing up my email photo digest for Halloween, which included other Halloween events from the month of October: the Virtual Pumpkin Carving Party on the 21st; the dance party at Neumos on the 28th; West Seattle Harvest Fest on the 30th. It included 18 photos total (historically the standard number for one digest email, a number I hit on as the maximum I could tend to include without people's size limits resulting in it getting bounced back), nearly half of which were from Halloween at work, and the PCC Halloween Happy Hour gathering. That was eight out of the 18 photos, so, technically 44.4% of them.

Once I was done with that, I asked Shobhit if he wanted to watch the second episode of Interview with the Vampire on AMC, but he said no because he still needed to write his mitigation request letter for the several traffic tickets he's received in the mail. He said this while he was just sitting on the couch still watching his news programs.

Eventually, he did finally start sorting out the notices, about an hour before bed. He's actually gotten five notices, a first that was a warning, followed by four more citing infractions that happened before he even got the first one and so became aware he was breaking any laws. He was driving in a bus lane, but those tend to have certain hours of the day and are often empty during off-peak traffic hours; in contrast to a lot of the other ways Shobhit tends to drive, this one was an honest mistake, which only got compounded by more violations before he was even made aware he was making them. It was like when you get an overdraft charge at the bank but don't get the notice until after several more transactions, resulting in a bunch more charges.

They do seem to be doing as he's requested and combining them for a single hearing, on . . . oh shit. I think it was on November 8? Election day! I mean, not that it's related to Election Day at all. It's just that November 8 seems to be factoring into a lot lately.

— पांच हजार तीन सौ तीन —


[posted 12:36 pm]