big mistake


— पांच हजार दो सौ छब्बीस —

Well, I posted the Spring Social Review this morning, but it is massively incomplete, and if I want to fix it, I'm going to have to spend a lot of time reconstructing three months of work.

The list and the rankings and the number of points for each person are all correct. It's the "who did what with whom where and when" usually listed below that, which is gone. I didn't even realize it until this morning. I had written up the html code for all the rankings and accompanying Flickr photos—those being blurrier than usual being a wholly separate issue; I accidentally copied over the code for all the 75x75 pixel sizes and thought I could fix that by just doing find-and-replace in Word to resize them at 150x150. Trouble is, that doesn't work as well as copying the direct full html embed code for the 150x150 size, but I didn't want to have to go one by one with each photo on my Flickr account yet again to redo it.

Well, this whole "find and replace" thing then became my problem. I did that in Word; copied the rankings list . . . and then, instead of pasting it above the coding for my list of links to each day in which I socialized with people, I pasted over it, then clicked "save," thereby erasing what I had been working on regularly over the last three months just so what I wouldn't have to do what I will now have to do: write it all up again in one go.

Nobody cares about this but me, I know that. I told Shobhit when I realized it sitting at my desk this morning, and he was just like, "It's okay." No, it isn't! That was a lot of work that I just fucking wiped out. Literally hours of it. The only upside is that all the html link coding is still in the posts I need to link to, so that when you click the link it goes to the right paragraph in the associated post. That'll make it relatively easy to find what links I need to create. It's still going to take a long time to recreate, especially considering how much more time than usual I spent socializing with people through the spring, and the trips I went on: Louisville to visit Barbara in March; my Birth Week in late April and early May; the anniversary trip to Victoria last weekend. I can barely emotionally deal with this mistake.

— पांच हजार दो सौ छब्बीस —


— पांच हजार दो सौ छब्बीस —

All that is what is top of mind for me right now; I spent the majority of the evening last night watching TV, starting with the first two episodes of the new iteration of Queer as Folk on Peacock, which I watched in the living room with Shobhit. I quite liked it, and was relieved to find they were just as explicit with the sex as the earlier versions, both the first British version and then the American version on Showtime that ran from 1999 to 2005. That one has a lot of hokiness and over-the-top elements and this new version is at least a little bit more sophisticated, and being set in New Orleans, is conscientiously far more diverse, both ethnically and in terms of gender (both identity and expression). I know this will be met with resistance by typically racist white viewers, but those people can fuck off.

My only real issue still does have to do with the sex: over and over, guys engaged in anal sex are just licking their hands to use spit as lube, which is insane. Why do none of these characters use literal personal lubricant? Have these people never heard of it before? Do they all think they're on Brokeback Mountain? These people aren't 1960s cowboys, they are contemporary urbanites, so they should get their shit together.

Anyway, I discovered apparently all eight episodes were released on Peacock at once, a couple of weeks ago, so we can just keep watching at our leisure. But, I needed to catch up on last week's episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi (a show not nearly as good as it should be) and The Staircase, so I watched those back in the bedroom on my computer. I watched the finale of The Staircase, and ended it with a far different opinion of Colin Firth's performance than when it started: he is phenomenal in it, skillfully walking the line between a man who might be innocent and a man who might be a murderer. He's certainly a compulsive liar, there's no doubt about that. That guy lied about so much that, even though I am convinced he killed his wife, even if he didn't and whatever actually happened was to some degree an accident, I would bet anything he still lied about it. You can't trust anything that man says.

I really liked the miniseries a lot though.

— पांच हजार दो सौ छब्बीस —

Not that it's any huge deal, but I'm posting about an hour and a half later than usual today because we had an "All Team" Merchandising meeting, and it was over ninety minutes and didn't start until 12:30. I meant to post this right before going I and forgot. It was long, occasionally insightful, and I spent much of the time thinking about the huge amount of work I need to get done over the next three days. Or two and a half days now, I suppose. At least I got a free pizza lunch out of it. But now I need to get back to work!

— पांच हजार दो सौ छब्बीस —


[posted 1:11 pm]