walkies and talkies


— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्ताईस —

By far the biggest event of this past weekend was the afternoon I spent with Laney on Saturday at Seattle Pride in the Park, which I already posted about yesterday in its own dedicated entry.

The rest of the weekend was relatively unremarkable. I can't even remember now what I did on Friday evening, except that I did not go to a movie, and Shobhit worked an evening shift that night. I probably watched some episodes of a TV show on Max or something. I just hung out with Guru at home, I guess.

— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्ताईस —

Yesterday I went for a walk with Shobhit, feeling gratitude that if we had to have a gray, drizzly day this weekend, it happened on Sunday rather than at Pride in the Park on Saturday—which was also overcast most of the day, with tiny hints of sprinkles only occasionally, but it did not rain. Yesterday was colder and definitively wetter. Shobhit took his umbrella on the walk and I, not feeling like carrying an umbrella, took my hooded rain coat instead. Why buy that nice rain jacket unless I actually use it on warmer(ish) rainy days? It's too light to use in the dead of winter but was perfect for yesterday.

We walked north up 15th Avenue E, all the way to Volunteer Park. We cut through Volunteer Park and over to 10th Avenue E, which veers over into Broadway to the south. That was when we encountered the huge line we learned was people waiting to vote for the Mexican President at the Mexican Consulate of Seattle.

We walked to QFC, where Shobhit bought his lottery tickets. And then we broke apart at the Light Rail station, where I rode to the U District and then took myself to the one movie I have to see in the theater this week: a critically acclaimed Japanese movie called Evil Does Not Exist that I thought was just okay at best. In the first half hour I fought hard to stay awake, and that was after having a solid night's sleep.

— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्ताईस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्ताईस —

I also watched a couple of documentaries over the weekend—two of them yesterday alone, which I watched with Shobhit on HBO/Max: Spacey Unmasked, about what a predatory piece of shit Kevin Spacey is; and MoviePass, MovieCrash, about the rise and inevitable crash of MoviePass.

Shobhit was a lot more engaged with the MoviePass doc, both because that one had a lot more to do with investing and financials and mismanagement of money, and because he was convinced Spacey Unmasked was only made because Kevin Spacey is gay, which is an objectively insane take. Sometimes Shobhit takes a while to realize that just because he isn't aware something exists, that doesn't mean it does not exist. He kept asking like there haven't been enough documentaries made about straight predators, even though there have been multiple films (both documentary and narrative) made about Harvey Weinstein—the only one he could cite—and others made about Roman Polanski, and Woody Allen, and Michael Jackson. And those were just the few I searched for online in the space of about two minutes.

Besides, it doesn't even matter whether those other movies exist. Spacey took just as much advantage of privilege afforded him due to being a huge star as anyone else, and the world should know the specifics of what an awful person he is. Not only that, but I found Spacey Unmasked to be far more sensitive to the fact that he's gay, and how the struggles of being in the closet were related to his abhorrent behavior, than a movie like this ever would have been twenty, ten, maybe even five years ago. I found nothing homophobic about it at all and was genuinely impressed by that. Shobhit's problem is that he takes a knee-jerk reaction to something and then runs with it without considering the plethora of nuances.

Anyway, we also watched this week's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Then he went back to, of all things, Hallmark's "Christmas in June" airing of Christmas Hallmark movies. They're all so formulaic and so, so dumb, and Shobhit is practically addicted. And he doesn't even care about Christmas! Quite an enigma, Shobhit is.

— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्ताईस —


[posted 12:41 pm]