floral winds


— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठाईस —

Big news at work today. It won't seem like big news to you, and indeed it isn't big news to you, but it's huge news to me: by the end of this month, all of Floral will be transitioned from Grocery to the Produce department—which means that, for the first time in over twenty years, I won't have to deal with it!

I mean, if we want to get real here, I'll probably have to serve as a sort of "consultant" for them for a while, as I have the data relationships both internally and with the vendors. Honestly I can see a lot more of the skus that get delivered before they've been entered taking longer to get set up. I'd love to be proven wrong about that, but either way I am thrilled by the idea of washing my hands of that department.

The way I see it, this makes more sense anyway; Floral is a very perishable department, in similar ways to the rest of Produce, and to be fair they are already well versed in last-minute additons of codes and such. I just know that I had an exchange with one of the store POS people a dew weeks ago about this and he was truly convinced that Floral, which never gets the attention it deserves at the store level (apparently), will be even worse when managed by Produce. Time will tell; we may all just be underestimating the abilities of Produce managers. Not that it'll matter that much to me after June 30, when I simply won't have to worry about it anymore. This is actually going to free up a lot of my time and work load.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठाईस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठाईस —

I made an unusual decision about my commuting yesterday, just because of the weather: it was a really windy day, and not only did I not feel like cycling in it, neither did I feel like walking in it. I opted to ride buses all the way to work in the morning, which meant transferring to a second bus downtown rather than walking that last mile as usual; I also made the choice to catch the #8 all the way up Capitol Hill after work rather than walking home. I got home at 5:08 this way, unusually early when I'm not cycling.

Even riding more buses than usual, though, the wind really fucked up my hair. I had to wait by the bus stop for a few minutes to catch the first bus, after all; and walk a block to catch my connecting bus downtown; and walk another couple of blocks from the final bus stop to my building. That was all the time needed for the wind to blow my hair into a wind swept mess.

Not that anyone particularly noticed, of course. My hair didn't look terrible, it was just much less deliberately formed than usual. I'm sure I was the only one who hated it, but I did.

The extra bus riding did give me extra time to read Dune though, so that was nice.

We had pizza for dinner after I got home. I made chai. We talked about going for a walk, which Shobhit wanted to do to get steps in but I did not particularly want to do out in the wind again—although by then the breeze was much lighter. The walk got dismissed though when Shobhit got really locked into the reporting on Indian election results last night.

This was largely because the results were showing reason to be cautiously optimistic: Narendra Modi did not lose power, but he was widely predicted to win in a landslide, and that's not what happened, as his party did not retain the decisive majority in Parliament that was expected. This is all very nuanced, of course, but it seemed to indicate some actual hope for the future, as opposed to the authoritarian, Hindu-nationalist direction Modi was taking the country.

Whether this has any implications for the rest of the world remains to be seen. That may be a stretch. But authoritarianism did seem to be spreading globally, and it would be nice to see a similar spread of pushback.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठाईस —


[posted 12:32 pm]