it's too fucking hot


— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —

Once again, only a minor update today—unless you want to count my complaints about the weather. I mean, why not: let's review:

Thursday, July 4: high 82°F
Friday, July 5: high 88°F
Saturday, July 6: high 90°F
Sunday, July 7: high 92°F
Monday, July 8: high 94°
Tuesday, July 9: high 97°F
Wednesday, July 10: forecast high 87°

At least legitimate relief is on the horizon: the National Weather Service predicts a high tomorrow of 82°; 83° on Friday; 85° on Saturday. Still several degrees hotter than normal, but at least within relatively reasonable distance of it. All these days with temperatures in the nineties can fuck right off.

It may still be next week before either Shobhit and I stop sleeping completely on top of our sheets, with no blanket. We still don't use air conditioning, although the more time goes on and the more frequent these heat waves are, it becomes more attractive. A bit of an irony, given that the use of things like air conditioning is exactly what got us to this point.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —

Anyway! Nothing else to report on the past 24 hours, except that I rode my bike home in that awful heat, then spent the entire evening at home with Shobhit, watching four episodes of Palm Royale on Apple TV+. My Apple Card gave me three months free, but I did not pivot to any of its content until the one month I signed up on Netflix expired on Sunday. I thought Palm Royale was pretty good in the beginning, and it seems to get better with each episode—especially as Carol Burnett's character, who starts off in a coma, gets progressively better. That woman is 91 years old and is still the most hilarious performer in this rather large ensemble cast.

There's something a little odd about Ricky Martin on that show, though. That man is 52 years old. They make him look 35 on the show, as though his face has some kind of Instagram filter on it at all times.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —

I guess I could mention this one more time: you won't see my standard Daily Lunch Update (DLU) tomorrow afternoon, as I'll be out on a farm tour all day. I'm sure I'll take lots of pictures, so it's possible I may post about it later in the evening, if I don't wait to do that until Friday. We'll see.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —

One more thing: when I started my lunch break, I looked at my weather app and it said it was 77°—quite a bit cooler than it has been by noon the past several days. I thought: that seems tolerable, and I went to eat and read my book outside on the patio furniture. I lasted twenty minutes. I suppose I might have done better in the shade; I was sitting in direct sun. But I went inside to read for my final ten minutes.

It's too fucking hot!

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंतालीस —

[posted 12:43 pm]