deliver me from the moon


— पांच हजार छह सौ उनतालीस —

I left work 15 minutes early yesterday to see the 4:30 showing of Fly Me to the Moon, and it sucked. Giving it a C-minus was generous.

It has an average user rating of 3.2 out of 5 stars on Letterboxd, and reading through all the reviews by people who unironically liked it has left me in despair for humanity. What the hell is wrong with people?

I was a bit shocked when Gabriel left a comment on my Facebook post linking to my review. I don't think he's ever left a comment on one of my movie reviews. Then, there was what he actually said: Easily, my favorite review of yours in a long time.

What he said actually tracks. I literally thought about him while watching the movie, how much I am certain it would have infuriated him, and would have made him want to gouge out his own eyeballs. This is particularly because of his love of science and science history, and how this movie genuinely makes a mockery of the 1969 Moon Landing.

I looked at my running log of movie reviews for 2024, and Fly Me to the Moon easily takes its place as the worst movie I have seen in theaters so far this year.

It's rare that a hate a movie as much as I did this one (the last one I saw that I dismissed as absolute garbage was, as it happens, also about the moon: Moonfall, from February 2022, but that one had absolutely no redeeming qualities and I gave it an F, I think one of only two I have ever given). It's kind of fun to write my review when that happens, though. And that's what I spent the next hour or so doing, after getting home around 7:00 and then heating up my leftover lentils for dinner.

— पांच हजार छह सौ उनतालीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ उनतालीस —

Shobhit is deep into his Washington State Labor Council Convention at the Wenatchee Convention Center, and he FaceTimed me right around the time I finished my review. He was a bit buzzed on the two glasses of wine he got for the evening, with conference attendeee drink tickets.

He continues to take walks to get his steps in, and he's been texting me photos as he goes around. He sent a couple yesterday, and sent several this morning. There's a surprising amount of clearly pretty cool public art in Wenatchee, it seems.

Side note: when they were booking hotels, Shobhit tried to suggest he book himself at a cheaper hotel a bit further away. The rest of the local SAG-AFTRA board convinced him that they should all stay together at one of the Convention Center hotels. Shobhit is at the hotel that's across the railroad tracks from the Convention Center, with a long footbridge that connects them. Shobhit made a comment yesterday that made it sound like they went out of their way to stay at a hotel where the staff is unionized, which would obviously make sense.

Anyway, Shobhit and I recently ordered a new standing fan from Amazon for the bedroom, and he asked me about it when we were on FaceTime, after he chatted with me along his walk over the footbridge and back to his hotel room. I had forgotten it got delivered yesterday, so I went down to the package room to get it. Shobhit had disconnected when I got back, and didn't pick up when I tried to call again. So I just put the fan in its base and turned it on. It's truly just a fan, but a lot fancier than the janky ones we had been using that Shobhit once got from Big 5; one of those two broke and that's why we bought the new one. It's not an air conditioner, but it still manages to cool down the room noticeably, which is cool. I much prefer this, a fan that is effective at cooling, than getting an actual AC.

I did have the fan on all night. Shobhit always wants to position the fan so it is stationery and aimed at him in the bed, but I like to keep it on oscillation to circulate the air in the room more.

— पांच हजार छह सौ उनतालीस —


[posted 12:40 pm]