My Threads

  • Wed, 18:48: RP @teiganish It is absolutely impossible to watch this without smiling 😂 Richard Simmons butching it up to fool Rosie O’Donnell during one of her mystery guest segments 😂👏❤️
  • Wed, 19:17:

    I love, love, love skyscrapers. And yet, I may have to become an advocate for the end of their construction. It was not until recently that I—and others—considered their huge carbon footprint and environmental impact.

    I had the misguided idea that advocating for smartly planned urban density, which is far more sustainable than suburban sprawl, included skyscrapers by definition—and it does not. They needlessly consume gigantic amounts of nonrenewable resources, wasting energy just to hoist them up countless floors.

    There's a lot of really great ones already standing anyway.

    Death to the skyscraper