night air


— पांच हजार छह सौ चालीस —

I spent the evening at home alone last night, and it wasn't so bad. I reheated my leftover lentils and ate them while watching episodes 3 and 4 of The Acolyte on Disney+. Honestly, I went weeks without returning to that show because it kind of sucks. I gave it another chance with episode 3, which had some compelling plot elements but kind of went off the rails at the end, and the acting was very bad. I got through part of episode 4 and actually went to turn it off with the remote when suddenly I saw the return of the hot Jedi. I was like: Oh, right, and kept watching just for him.

The show remained dumb. I did not watch anymore episodes after that.

There's not much else to report from last night, except I did do an unusual thing and go out for a short walk in the late evening. The temperature was finally down to perfect, the sun was down, and it was wonderful just walking in the night air in my shirt and shorts. I just went up Pike Street to where it dead ends at a staircase at 19th, then walked back. I got on FaceTime with Shobhit while walking back.

He had one more full day of the labor conference in Wenatchee yesterday, and half a day today. He's not bothering to drive back until tomorrow, as he doesn't want to make that drive directly after today's sessions end. I have plans tonight anyway; I'm seeing Twisters with Laney. Shobhit was debating whether to come home today or tomorrow and decided on tomorrow when I told him that. He'll be going to work for a swing shift shortly after he gets here.

— पांच हजार छह सौ चालीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ चालीस —

I burned through one more of my "DLU worthy" photos from the trip to Yellowstone National Park in this post (it's the middle photo, just above). As in, the trip Shobhit and I took for our anniversary in 2018—six years ago.

I may have never gone on any trip that yielded so many beautiful photos. I've probably taken other trips where I took more photos overall, but at Yellowstone, virtually everywhere you look is a stunning vista. I have already used 155 of them over the past six years, in different Daily Lunch Update posts.

I have still more that that, tagged on Flickr with "dlunused" and thus waiting and worthy for inclusion to share in any of these posts. 176 of them still await. I go on new trips often enough, yielding more and more new such photos, that I may never burn through the rest of the shots from Yellowstone in these posts.

I used to be able to keep up with the backlog, Yellowstone or otherwise. Honestly I think it was Yellowstone itself where the tide turned. As of today I still have 2,209 photos tagged with "dlunused." With every photogenic event I am part of, I am so slaphappy with the camera, I'm always taking more photos than I can ever use.

There's something very useful about this, though. I can filter down to a nearly endless number of themes should I want to create some kind of commonality in the three photos I use. Today I just went with, very broadly: trees (even though the third shot, below, has fewer trees than the other two shots). But since I make liberal use of tags, I can also get very specific: "toronto"+"pride" (we never went to Toronto Pride but there was a ton of Pride iconogrpahy while we were there in mid-June) or "seattle"+"skyscrapers" or whatever. Sometimes I just scroll through looking for different examples of public art that might go well together.

— पांच हजार छह सौ चालीस —


[posted 12:31 pm]