My Threads

  • Mon, 11:19: This is so awesome!…
  • Mon, 17:06:


    Many of you will note that Shanti died quite recently as well, in fact it was six weeks ago yesterday. Guru's passing is very sad as well of course, but I really want to note the vast difference in the two experiences. What happened with Shanti was deeply traumatic. But today, we took Guru to the vet, and the vet was direct and honest about his prognosis immediately, which I really appreciated. We made the decision not to delay the inevitable, we were there to pet and comfort him at the end, and we just overall had far more agency in regards to how he passed than we did with Shanti.

    I had really hoped Guru would have more time than this after Shanti passed, but they were litter mates after all, and thus shared the same genetics. I cried a fair amount today, but nowhere near the amount the day Shanti died, just because the experiences were so wildly different. This was a far, far more peaceful process. The vet assistant handed us this small vase of flowers as we left, which was very sweet. We also took his collar home, and I posed them together for a picture on the base of one of the scratching posts.

    The one thing that's worse, I think, is that now we're in a home with no pets left at all, and I need to clean and put away things like the food dishes and litter boxes, etc. I'll get to that when I'm ready. An added level of slight strangeness is that this is also the fourth anniversary of my mom passing, something I only realized while we were at the vet clinic. It's only something that occurred to me though, not something I am really dwelling on.

    Many of you have followed along as we've shared our deep love for both of these pets for the past 16 years. Your support and condolences have been and continue to be appreciated.
  • Mon, 21:56:

    Deaths in the family since 2020:

    2020: Auntie Rose, Mom
    2021: Bill
    2022: Uncle Paul
    2023: Aunt Raenae
    2024: Shanti, Guru

    I’d like to formally request a break for a while thanks