

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठावन —

Yesterday I wound up taking the bus downtown, thanks to a glitch with this new PriceGeneration module in HQ that resulted in some wonky shit I needed to correct before I left the office. I had wanted to leave at 4:15 to walk downtown, and meet Laney at Pacific Place at 4:45, but I was unable to leave until like 4:23, so I caught a bus.

Which was fine. I just read my library book while riding.

And then, once Laney and I met up and I had used the bathroom and we got into the theater with only a couple of minutes to spare before the countless trailers started, we saw Badlands. And it was bad.

I already knew it was getting bad reviews. I did not realize that, by yesterday, it was Metascore-rating-27 bad. I might have bagged the whole thing had I known that. When I last checked, the rating was in the upper forties, abd this was the kind of movie I was still good with giving a chance because it was possible it could be mindless fun of a sort where critics were missing the point.

Nope! This movie was actively bad. It had certain elements that were average rather than terrible (I actually generally enjoyed Jack Black as Claptrap the robot, as did Laney), which was why I gave the movie a grade as good as a C-minus. Which means it's a toss-up between this movie and Fly Me to the Moon as the worst movie I have seen this year.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठावन —


— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठावन —

I walked with Laney after the movie, from Pacific Place up the hill on Pine Street to Broadway. Then I walked the rest of the way home, about six blocks, reading the aforementioned library book (Sea of Tranquility).

Shobhit had dinner prepared when I got home. I dished myself up, and went to the bedroom to spend the next hour or so writing the movie review.

After that, Shobhit and I watched a relatively show episode of season two of Interview with the Vampire. We have two to go. After that I set about getting ready for bed.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठावन —

Today's the last day I am in the office until Wednesday next week. I may post blog posts between now and then, but it's relatively unlikely. Or, I may post brief ones to post links to photo albums that will be yielded by multiple days: the Wilcox Farms Tour tomorrow; whatever I do with Danielle on Friday, if we do indeed hang out; going to Jetty Island with Lynn and Zephyr on Saturday. Sundy we finally head out to the coast for the Third Biannual Family Vacation. So much going on! And I am so looking forward to it all.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अट्ठावन —


[posted 12:29 pm]