My Threads

  • Thu, 06:09: Dreamt I was in a conference of some sort, and when I went through a door I suddenly found myself in Wallace, Idaho, and after a moment I realized I was standing in front of the house Mom and Bill used to live in.

    It was a much bigger house in my dream. It had sort of decorative stone walls here and there around it.

    Because I can fly in my dreams, I immediately self-levitated. Because of course I wanted to get a picture. The angle would be better from several feet in the air!

    I found myself trying to get a shot through a hole in one of the stone walls, apparently standing in the middle of a front yard. But, my phone seemed to be stuck on this wildly powerful zoom. It was deeply frustrating, trying to get a wide shot of the house, and all I could see on my screen was a washing machine through a darkened window. Not the fucking picture I want!

    Out of nowhere, a bunch of agents of some sort, all of them in dark suits, swarmed the property and the house. One of them looked remarkably like Harrison Ford. I was told I could not take any photos, and with a new sense of urgency I desperately tried to reboot my phone so the fucking camera app would finally work properly. I was still hovering at this hole in a stone wall the whole time.

    When my phone finally rebooted, it was converted into a rectangle of cooked spaghetti noodles. I woke up while I was still desperately trying to figure out a way to take a photo using the rectangle of noodles.


    . . . Honestly the spaghetti-phone thing was the only reason I was compelled to share any of this. I'm sure you're all feeling immensely fulfilled with literary satisfaction after reading this post.
  • Thu, 16:38: Second Wilcox Family Farms tour in as many years! Including the hard boiled egg plant; their famed mobile pastures; the scenic Nisqually River; the old, one-room Harts Lake Schoolhouse;and the raw egg plant featuring what they called the “Egg Disco.”
  • Thu, 23:43: Both a step forward and a parade of homages to the past, a combo that works surprisingly well. I had a blast.