walk the conventibition


— पांच हजार छह सौ इकसठ —

Last night was the first day I had to plans or any notable events since Wednesday last week. I mean, I suppose Tuesday this week sort of counted, or at least got halfway there: the last half of the day, basically, was just at home. But, that day had began as the last morning in Tokeland, and Shobhit and I drove home that day.

I was happy to have no plans last night, though, as it gave me more time than on any other day to watch coverage of the Democratic National Convention, which I don't usually have a huge amount of interest in. I've enjoyed most of the speeches, and after seeing Kamala Harris give her speech last night accepting the nomination for president, I felt relatively hopeful for this year's election.

"Relatively" is the key word there. After the deep, horrific shock of President Fuckwit's win in 2016, I take absolutely nothing for granted. And although he lost in 2020, it took multiple days for that to become official—and I actually went to bed on Election Night that year thinkin we were facing a second term with that man, with all the associated expectations of descent into fascism and inhumanity that went with it. That night was arguably even worse, for me at least, than Election Night 2016 had been. It was just a gigantic relief when I woke up the next morning and learned that it still wasn't over, and in the end the tides turned in our favor.

The one silver lining to the idea of him winning again in 2020 would be that he could never be president again after that. But, as we all know, a massive amount of damage can be done in four years, and he did a number on us in his first four years already. Now, we're faced with the prospect of his return. I'm still terrified, but not quite as much as when Biden—a man I really like and actually respect—was still running, and facing a very likely loss. Even I had seen some interviews with him, and his age was showing so much it was depressing. I think he still would have managed just fine, but far too many voters were turned off by the prospect of a repeat of the 2020 election.

Now, only half of it will be a repeat, and judging at least by current momentum, just enough people are turned off by facing a repeat of the Fuckwit Administration. The real question, this year, will be how successful Republicans will be at their predictable attempts at election cheating.

— पांच हजार छह सौ इकसठ —


— पांच हजार छह सौ इकसठ —

Shobhit did manage to garner himself a Social Review point last night: the convention ended, and he suggested we go for a walk. I suggested we walk down Pine to Boren and back via Pike. So that's what we did, just as it was getting dark.

He had hoped to get 3 Social Review points out of our trip to Tokeland. But, as I explained to him, I have always excluded family gatherings from the Social Review. Points only happen if, say, we go out to dinner at a restaurant or something—not just because we're hanging out with the family for a few days. Shobhit got a point for Sunday because we drove to Tokeland that day, stopped in Westport, and then went down to check out the Tokeland hotel. He got points at the Family Vacation in Leavenworth in 2022 for going for walks or going to a restaurant, but there was none of that on Monday or Tuesday this year.

But, we did go for a walk last night. My weather app said there was an 80% chance of rain, so Shobhit took an umbrella and we both wore rain coats. Then it did not rain at all, and by the time we were headed back up Pike from Born, it was so humid, even with temperatures in the mid-sixties, we both had to take off our jackets.

— पांच हजार छह सौ इकसठ —

I just had my biweekly Zoom lunch with Karen, which she had to cut back to half an hour from the usual hour because she has a doctor appointment at 1:00.

She's got a lot going on, between neeting to help her daughter move to a new apartment in the same building, to having to get her gall bladder removed soon. She also went back to visit her mom in Massachusetts recently. So most of the half hour was her updating me on all that stuff. I didn't need to update her on much; she had seen my travelogue about the Family Vacation. I don't know if she read all the captions—I get pretty verbose in those—but she did say, "It looks like you had a lot of fun!" And indeed, I did!

Now, tonight, I kick off the next nine days straight with one thing or another planned. A movie tonight with Laney; Laney and Alexia both coming over tomorrow for a Dune and Dune Part Two double feature in the Braeburn Condos theater; Shobhit and I finally going to Alexia's new apartment on Sunday for dinner; Happy Hour with Laney on Monday—at Bait Shop to commemmorate when we went to our first of the monthly Happy Hours ten years ago, in the summer of 2014; a SAG-AFTRA advanced screening of a movie with Shobhit on Tuesday; another movie with Laney on Wednesday (just rescheduled from Tuesday yesterday because Shobhit booked us for that advanced screening); an afternoon social outing with the Merchandising Department at work on Thursday next week, to the Titanic Exhibhition; Laney and I are riding Light Rail all the way up to Lynnwood on Friday next week as that's opening day of the Lynnwood Extension; and then Alki Beach Pride on Sunday next weekend. Sheesh! So much stuff.

But, such is life. Or my life, anyway. It's how I like it!

— पांच हजार छह सौ इकसठ —


[posted 12:40 pm]