Dìdi's Place


— पांच हजार छह सौ पचपन —

I have to make it quick today, after having too much shit to take care of this morning—I am struggling to catch up on all that I fell behind on while the launch of PriceGeneration took up a ton of my bandwidth. And guess what? I'll just get behind on more after I'm out of office most of the day Thursday next week (for the annual Wilcox Farms tour), Friday next week (just to burn through PTO), and the following Monday and Tuesday (for the biannual Family Vacation on the coast)! But whatever, I can no longer cash out my PTO and I lose it if I don't use it, so I'll be damned if I'm not going to use it.

Anyway! I hung out with Tracy last night, first for dinner and then for a movie, both in the U District—because that's where the movie was playing.

With that in mind, I struggled only briefly to come up with a place to meet for dinner. And then I remembered Araya's Place, the vegan thai restaurant. I remember always thinking they had pretty good food, and I hadn't eaten there in what felt like eons. (The last time I have Araya's Place in my calendar is from 2014, a lunch with Danielle, and that was the one on Madison and 28th, which has since closed. I know I've been to the one in the U District before, I just don't know when and don't have the time to scour my Social Review history to figure it out.)

I am such a creature of habit, I really considered the "Cashew Delight" or the "Fried Rice" dish, but still defaulted to Pad Thai—especially knowing that at this restaurant, there would be no fish sauce in it. Tracy ordered the Cashew Delight and offered me a bite of it. She also ordered a vegetable roll starter for us to share. Between that and snacks I had at work, by this morning my weight had shot back up to 166 lbs. I really should have eatn only half that plate of Pad Thai, and I was quite full shortly after halfway through, but as long as it was in front of me, every several minutes I had room for more, and in the end I kept working on it until my plate was clean.

It probably didn't help that I also ordered a piña colada.

Anyway, we spent a lot of time catching up. We last hung out last month, July 13, when she and her sister and their cousin met up with me at the Tacoma Pride Festival. We talked a lot about how things are going at our respective jobs. She has so much going on every weekend for the foreseeable future, we may very well not hang out again until next month, so it was nice to get to spend some time last night, especially one-on-one.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पचपन —


— पांच हजार छह सौ पचपन —

I had opted against cycling to work again yesterday, so I could walk straight downtown to the Westlake Light Rail Station, then catch the train to the U District Station and we met at the restaurant right at 5:00. Then I got into her car after dinner, and we drove down and over to the AMC 11, where we went to see a very good movie called Dìdi.

I quite liked it a lot, and find it better in my memory the more I think about it. I had no time to write the review after Tracy took me home—which would have been the case whether or not we had chatted for a bit too long in the car, although we did—so I wrote it this morning. Don't tell anyone. I'll stay a bit later this afternoon if I have a pressing need to work on getting stuff done, but I don't think I necessarily will.

We talked more about work in the car. I talked about how my job has had more stress than normal lately, which she mocked by tracing an invisible tear down her cheek. She was just giving me shit, but still, her wildly stressful job isn't really directly relevant to mine becoming more stressful than it usually is. I said, "It's not a competition," and she half-shouted, half-kidding, "Yes it is!" Okay, sure. She also talks about how much more money she makes than I do for working fewer days a week, so I could just as easily have made the same gesture. Not that I keep thinking about this or anything.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पचपन —


[posted 12:20 pm]