My Threads

  • Thu, 06:01: LOL
  • Thu, 12:42: I just finished reading my all-time favorite novel for the fifth time. The 20 years since I last read it was enough time for the entire world to change and thus alter the lens through which it is perceived. And although I have since read other spectacular books that could have challenged its standing in my mind (DUNE came *very* close), I must say the depth of how impressed I am by this vision of the future from 92 years ago goes on unabated. What a truly spectacular book this is, so dense with provocative meaning and implication, more and more prescient with each passing decade. I just love this book so much, I am certain I will read it yet again one day—the only book I have read nearly so many times, a stellar intellectual exercise that challenges and stretches far beyond what its deceptively short length might suggest.