My Threads

  • Sat, 09:22: When Lea saw me like this at her birthday party last night she said, "Matthew you look adorable!"

    When Gabriel saw me he giggled and said, "Grandma Matthew!" Then he took this picture.

    When I look at this now, I think: Holy shitballs I look old!

    Earlier in the evening, Lea told me people's bodies change at 44. Oh, so that's what happened to me? I don't remember any noticeable shit four years ago. 🤔 Well, she's got another sunny four years ahead of her, apparently!

    *Matthew frantically googles*

    "At age 44, some of the observed changes occurred in cells affecting metabolism—which could explain why we have a harder time absorbing and processing caffeine and alcohol as we get older; fatty tissue proteins—which could explain higher cholesterol levels and unexpected weight gain in middle age; and connective tissue proteins associated with skin and muscle structure—which could explain why skin starts to sag, wrinkles appear, and why people have more issues related to muscle strain and injuries." (National Geographic)

    And here I am living with prescribed back stretching exercises.

    It's really hard on me when other people turn 40 you guys
  • Sat, 18:14: September weekend Happy Hour!
  • Sat, 21:19: Power Couple