an evening on the phone


— पांच हजार छह सौ उनसठ —

Yesterday was the second evening this week where Shobhit didn't work and I had no plans, but Shobhit still had somewhere else to go. This time, it was the local SAG-AFTRA board meeting.

I wound up spending a ton of time on the phone. Tracy is having a hard time of it with her parents divorcing, and she asked if I had time to chat. We got on the phone very shortly after I got home from work on my bike . . . and we ended up talkin for an hour and 42 minutes.

One of the many things we chatted about included the fact that she is, apparently currently reading Dune Messiah. I said, "Are you shitting me?" She said, "Yeah!" So I said, "Yeah you're reading it, or yeah you're shitting me?" She confirmed she's reading it. I'm still waiting for it to become available to check out of the library!

Anyway. She had said something kind of funny about the first Dune book: she wanted to look up what she called the "tweedle dee instrument," which was clearly not what the book calls it. She said she looked it up in the dictionary and the definition was just, Musical instrument specific to the Dune universe. Ha!

She found this frustrating, I found it amusing. I wanted to share it with Gabriel, so I called him right after I got off the phone with Tracy. We were on the phone for 22 minutes. Looks like I'll need to mark my calendar for Friday the 13th, to celebrate Lea's birthday, which is actually on the 11th. Hey, wait. I only just realized this. I think she's going to be 40 this year. Anyway, in that case she would have turned 17 on 9/11 so that must have been a great birthday.

I almost said "That must have been a blast."

— पांच हजार छह सौ उनसठ —


— पांच हजार छह सौ उनसठ —

After my two hours of phone calls, I watched the season finale of Sunny on Apple TV, a flawed show with a clearly limited budget that I sort of enjoyed. Not enough of Sunny the HomeBot.

Then I watched the 90-minute part 1 of Steve!, the documentary on Apple TV about Steve Martin.

Shobhit got home when there were maybe 20 minutes of that left to go. When that finished—I'll watch part 2 another day—we watched the season 4 premiere of Slow Horses, which was great. I'm going to have to pay for one more month of Apple TV in order for us to finish that season, which Shobhit isn't going to like. He'll live. It'll be ten bucks, which is less than a single movie in a theater.

— पांच हजार छह सौ उनसठ —


[posted 12:30 pm]