My Threads

  • Fri, 13:22: Ever since I got the news of Holly’s passing yesterday, I’ve been in a kind of melancholy funk—it’s low-key, minor, but it’s there. I started listening to my “For Mom” playlist of songs that make me think of her, and I can’t decide whether this was a good idea, except for the value of vivifying wistful memories of loved ones past on.

    One of the tracks is sixties folk song “Five Hundred Miles” as performed by Justin Timberlake, Carey Mulligan, and Stark Sands, from the wonderful 2013 Coen Brothers film “Inside Llewyn Davis.” I loved the soundtrack so much I bought it at the time, and the next time I visited Mom and Bill in Wallace, Idaho, I played it, thinking they might find it pleasant.

    I had no idea they would be as familiar with the songs as they were, and I remember Holly visiting when I played it. Both Mom and Holly sang along to it, even though they had never heard this particular version before—I have no idea where else either of them may have previously familiarized themselves with the lyrics. But, now this song makes me think of both Mom and of Holly.
  • Fri, 19:50:
  • Fri, 21:06: Not nearly as bad as I feared. Not nearly as good as I hoped.