moving along

I took myself to see the movie The Hate U Give last night at Pacific Place, and although I liked it a lot, if I'm being honest, it kind of does qualify as one of those "doing your duty," homework-type movies that have more to do with addressing Important Issues than being entertained. It has compelling storytelling and isn't quite as sad as I feared it would be, but I also can't think of anyone I would go out of my way to recommend it to -- especially when so many other great movies have already come out this year, specifically tapping into the concept of Black Lives Matter. It could be argued most of the others have managed to be provocative in more enduring ways, while also qualifying as entertainment. Two movies I would tell people to go out of their way to see? Blindspotting and BlacKkKlansman. You could even make an argument for Black Panther for touching on the same issues, even though it's a mass-market superhero movie -- albeit easily the best one in ten years, and also (at least so far) the most successful movie of this year.
I guess when it comes to The Hate U Give, I would say this: if you were already considering seeing it, then yes, definitely see it. If you feel like it might be more dispiriting than you want to deal with during a night out at the movies, then yes, you're probably best avoiding it. I'm glad I saw it, in any event.
It was a tad overlong, too: 133 minutes. The showtime was 6:40 and it must have been about 9:10 when I got out of the theatre. It was barely past 9:30 when I got off the bus and arrived at home. I actually considered waiting to write that review until this morning, but still opted to write it last night. It was well past 10:30 by the time I was done, by which time I am usually already in bed. I fell asleep last night a little after 11:00.

So I got about six hours of sleep. Wednesdays are Shobhit's early shift day, as he helps unload the weekly delivery truck. He starts at 7 am even though the store doesn't even actually open until 10 a.m. His phone's alarm went off at 5:15 this morning -- a time at which I often wake up on my own, but every once in a while I am still in a truly deep sleep at that time. Such was the case this morning, making getting out of bed more difficult than usual. It's strange how being in a deeper sleep seems to make it so my eyes take a far longer time to adjust to any light at all.
We had a bunch of fog this morning. Not a huge amount while I was biking in to work, but a thick layer of it rolled in thereafter. It dissipated again by about 10:30 though. Cold morning, still mid-forties well into late morning. But, holy shit! Even the National Weather Service is predicting a high today of 73°. Normal high for today is 59° in Seattle, according to KOMO. They also have this information on their weather page today:
If you're thinking that this stretch of weather is unusual, you would be correct. Can you believe it's actually been 48 years since Seattle has had back to back days at 70 degrees or above AFTER October 15th? Oh yeah, we are living history! And yes, I did say BACK TO BACK days. Today will be day two of record breaking highs!
So I guess we're not only way above normal, but shattering records. But everything is fine, right? Move along, nothing to see here!

[posted 12:17]