celebrate good times come on

I've got little to tell today. Well, I suppose that's not true -- there's plenty I could tell about last night, I just won't: I went to Steamworks, and in the interest of sparing people the intimate details of my sex life, I don't write detailed accounts of that for this blog. I will say only this: it was one of my all-time best experiences, and I spent far more time there than expected -- I stopped there on my walk home from work, arriving at about 5:15, and was there until at least 9:30. And then when I got home, my husband made me a delicious quesadilla with two kinds of cheeses and tomatoes in it. He sliced it like a pizza -- tortillas about the size of a dinner plate were used -- and I gave him two of the slices. All in all, a pretty damned great evening.
Oh, I guess I should mention that Alicia went on this week's "loop walk" through Myrtle Edwards Park yesterday afternoon. She was an in unusually good mood today, which I found striking given the stress of her job lately, which she has told me a lot about. I said, "So are things better or are you just taking a break from giving a shit?" She laughed and said, "'Taking a break from giving a shit.' You're just full of perfect descriptions today."
I had made a similarly apropos observation while sitting next to her at lunch but I can't remember now what it was.
I had tried suggesting the walk earlier in the week when there was no rain in the forecast but Alicia was too busy. It was sprinkling yesterday and I was glad I took my umbrella when we went on our walk. I would have been fine without it, honestly, it was raining light enough -- but it was still nice to have it. And in the end we both found it to be a very effectively refreshing afternoon walk.

I just had one of those Loma Linda vegan meal packets we were able to take home from the Vegetarians of Washington dinner on Wednesday -- "Spicy Pad Thai" -- and it was actually quite good. And, actually spicy. For me, anyway. It was a rare example of something spicy that I still found flavorful, as the spice did not overwhelm the flavor. Shobhit will say it's not spicy at all, but whatever. It's a kind of perfect packet meal to bring for lunch. Nuke for sixty seconds and voila!
Claudia stopped me on my way back to my desk and told me she and Dylan are getting married in August. She apparently proposed to him, in a rather casual way, last November, apparently. I found the thought process she had kind of sweet, actually. I guess she asked him, "You're going to go bald, aren't you?" He said yes, and she said, "We should get married."
I laughed and said, "What the hell does being bald have to do with getting married?" And she replied, "Well, I was thinking about how even if he goes bald, I'll still love him." Aww.
Then I told her about how I swear to god half the cyclists in Seattle look just like Dylan. She actually agreed with me so I feel validated.

[posted 12:34 pm]