pending return

I had a pretty full weekend, although in this instance there's not a huge amount of detail to share about it. On Friday I took myself to see the new Jordan Peel horror movie Us, which I quite liked even though predictably it wasn't quite as good as Get Out was. I had been thinking I might see that with Gabriel and Lea that evening, which he himself had suggested as a possibility earlier in the week, but then when I texted him to remind him earlier on Friday, he had to apologize and tell me he had Tess with him and had too much going on to make it.
That basically cemented that in all the three and a half weeks Shobhit was in India, I never was able to get together with Gabriel. Oh well.
I actually left work half an hour early at 4:00 to make it to the 4:35 showing at Pacific Place, which I much preferred as a showtime and never could have made it to with Gabriel had he been able to go anyway. It was pretty easy for me to do that on this day in particular, as both Scott and Noah left shortly before I did. Also, this gave me plenty of time to write the review that evening after the movie, and also make myself some dinner and even watch a little TV afterward.
Saturday was the fullest day, as between noon and about 4:00, Laney was over for a double feature of Die Hard 2 -- which she really got into, like, surprisingly so -- and Airplane! This was our double feature idea after we recently finished the four movies in the Airport series, knowing how much of those films Airplane! specifically made fun of.
I later had to email Laney a link to an old journal entry from 2006 that not only suggested she actually hadn't stayed long enough to see Airplane! as the fourth and final movie played that day, thereby suggesting it actually had been a lot longer since Laney herself had seen the movie (and she did find it pretty hilarious this past Saturday), but also proved that she and I had indeed actually seen both Airport and Airport 1975 before. Not one of us remembered that when we all watched them again this year -- not me, not Laney, and not Shobhit, who actually watched with us in both 2006 and 2019.
As Laney stated on Saturday, we could just keep watching the same movies every thirteen years and it would seem like watching them for the first time.
I actually have a log in my Google Mail drafts folder of all the times I have watched Airplane! since 2003 (that being the earliest I'd have a searchable journal record, as I started my LiveJournal in 2002), and at first I told Laney on Saturday that I was watching the movie for the ninth time since 2003 -- but the first time in seven years, since 2012. But! After doing some extra searching, it seems I had failed to make note of when I watched it on Hulu with Ivan in October 2016, during one of the many times he came over to hang out after having dinner, before he moved in for the second time late that year. So actually this past weekend was the tenth time I had seen Airplane! since 2003 (bearing in mind I had seen it countless times prior to that); the only the first time now in two and a half years; but, there was still a pretty significant, four-year break between 2012 and 2016.
Anyway! Then I took myself to see Maria Bamford at The Moore Theatre that night. I did bring my binoculars, and I was very glad I did. Her opening act, a lesbian comedian named Erin Foley, was very good; Maria Bamford was great. The only problem was of my own doing: I started to nod off near the end of the show, because I had had two margaritas before heading down there. Maybe I should have just had one. Or none. If I really want to stay awake in the evening, I might just be at the age where drinking isn't a good idea. It may take yet another decade or two before I truly learn that lesson.

And I really slept hard this weekend. A truly rare feat of either eight or nearly eight hours of sleep, three nights in a row: sleep at 10:17 Friday night and awake at 6:04 the next morning (7 hours, 47 minutes); sleep at 11:04 Saturday night -- after an 8:00 comedy show downtown -- and awake at 7:04 the next morning (8 hours exactly); sleep at 9:27 Sunday night -- why I zonked out so early last night, I have no idea -- and awake at 5:27 this morning (again, 8 hours exactly). I usually run most efficiently on seven hours, which actually might be why I kept getting tired earlier than normal -- that actually happens when I get too much sleep. That should probably reverse course in the coming week. Not due to anything in particular in the schedule, just . . . because.
In any case, my Big Event yesterday was another movie I took myself to: Gloria Bell, which it did not register to me at all as a remake of the director's original 2013 film Gloria until I did some research online for the review when I got home. You can read all about that in this movie's review. I liked this version better.
Once I was done writing the review, I did some real, bona fide cooking for the first time in all the three and a half weeks Shobhit has been away. I made pasta. This was only the second time in this period that I made something with enough volume to yield leftovers: four containers. One a slightly larger container, which I plan to bring with me to the airport today in case Shobhit is hungry. If he's not, we can just drive it back home and he can eat it later.
I'm actually taking a half day today to go and pick Shobhit up at the airport. He is flying his third and final leg, from London to Seattle, as we speak. His plane is scheduled to land at 1:35 but estimated to land at 1:38. Shobhit says between getting baggage and going through customs, it'll take about an hour to get out of there. So, I'm not going to leave home in the car for the airport until about 1:45. It should take less than half an hour to get there, traffic depending. As I used to do back in the days when he visited from L.A., I will just wait in the cell phone parking lot for him to let me know it's time to pick him up on the arrivals deck.

[posted 12:04 pm]