Not a lot new to report this morning, except to say that although she responded to one command yesterday—she wiggles her toes—she has not since. That doesn’t mean she still won’t again, though; the doctor still said “Overall she’s about the same” as yesterday.
She was put on hypertonic saline the day before yesterday, to try to decrease the swelling in her brain. She’s also on “a little fentanyl,” and once again the doctor is saying “We want to give her some time.”
We all know Mom has a DNR, but apparently not a DNI (“Do Not Intubate”), which is how she remains on a ventilator. The situation is clearly still very precarious, and the doctor repeated today that “She won’t come out of this without significant disability.” What it sounds to me we are currently facing is this: Even if she recovers enough to get out of the ICU, she’s likely not going to be the same again, and honestly I have no idea whether she’ll ever go back home again. All that said, it should still be noted what the doctor also repeated: “She still looks better than expected.”
My understanding is that Bill should be visiting her today, and I am comforted to hear that. I really have no clue when I will get over to see her, barring a sudden downturn that forces it—we already have time off planned for a visit the first weekend of August, which we will do no matter what. In any case, at this particular moment, I think Bill takes highest priority anyway. That is something he really needs, and it may make the biggest difference for Mom as well.
Mon, 14:23: Not my photo. But I loved it so much, I had to swipe it. Also: I’ve been pleasantly surprised to see roughly the same amount of mask wearing here in Long Beach as I see at home in Seattle.