I hate driving

I worked through my latest stack of receiver paperwork during my work day yesterday, which meant another "quick" drive to the office last night. I waited until 6:00 to go, since that was when Shobhit had to attend a virtual Braeburn Condos Board meeting anyway. That left an hour and a half between the end of my work day and my heading out, and during much of that I helped put away groceries Shobhit got after having gone to Costco by himself. We usually go together, but he had the day off and decided, after we updated our shared "Reminders" app grocery list for Costco, he'd go on his own while I was working, since he had the day off yesterday. That's really the way we should do it always these days, honestly, except that I'm usually the one who pays. He paid for it this time.
Anyway! Our kitchen is stocked. And when I left for the office, all of 2.4 miles away and even when there's still hardly any traffic to speak of, it amazes me that nearly an hour passes before I make it back home again. I'd say I take about fifteen minutes to finish what I need to do inside the office, but when it takes close to that amount of time to drive both there and back, that's 45 minutes minimum . . . and that's not counting just the time it takes to get back and forth between the building (or the condo) and the car. Still, driving almost always annoys me because you feel like it should be saving you time and yet it always takes longer than it seems it should. Whenever I walk or bike, for instance, it may take longer, but it never feels like it's taking longer than it should. Ugh, I hate driving!
Although I was rather enjoying the podcast I was listening to.

And, even with my not being back home for the rest of the evening until around 7:00, and Shobhit's meeting not ending for at least another half an hour, we still made the time to watch the DVD I had checked out of the library on Saturday: Enchanted, the 2007 quasi-satire / love letter to Disney animated features with a star making performance by Amy Adams.
Some of it is so corny and contrived it doesn't hold up as well now as it did then—even accounting for the fact that the movie is deliberately corny and contrived! But, I hadn't watched it in ages and remember enjoying it (oh look, I gave it a solid B back then, which I would still stand by) and thought Shobhit might like it too. I suspect he would agree with my assessment both then and now, but it was still a fun diversion from the usual watches for one evening, I think.

[posted 12:31 pm]